
Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 龙年到!




玄旖在大家都忙着放鞭炮躲鞭炮的时候在common room无线上网,试图沾一沾新年气氛。没办法啦,留守堪培拉的人不多,加上不是靠近o-week而是靠近summer school的finals,大家虽然有庆祝但不是太热闹啦……是的,没有错,当你们都在拜年吃年货拿红包的时候,可怜的我在上网(想要)查资料写下个星期一due的assignment呢~不过,莫名地,我只想赶快download几分资料,然后buffer一部综艺节目或一集电视剧,因为今天我忽然很有feel想做accounting的功课(<<喂!那是你本来就要做的好不好!『歹势啦~~』)





好咯,我要去认真学习了。待会儿要回房间准备煮苦瓜镶牛肉丸汤。oh yes!!





Sunday, January 22, 2012


刚刚带坦桑尼亚的朋友Sehrish去Dickson吃所谓的团圆饭,结果迷路了XDD 我知道很丢脸啦~啊人家很久没有去那带了嘛……


这两个星期,一如前面所说的,要全力准备考试(挂科虽然老娘快当饭吃了,但毕竟这是不对的【叉腰】,所以即使不能在房间内上网,我也不那么着急要解决,干脆等Steven从马来西亚飞回来后再看看怎么办,现在就先用common room的resnet和图书馆的电脑好了,正好减少诱惑。还可以乖乖早睡,才能在早上去gym减肥。现在的体力真的是见不得人啊……





Wednesday, January 18, 2012

quick update

I've bought the Acer Aspire S3 with an Intel core i3. I know some might not understand why on earth I picked Acer over Asus and Toshiba, and I can assure you, you'll never =P

Overall speaking, I like it as it is now, except for the fact that I'm struggling to go online with the LAN adapter. Somehow it's not working. But at least I can access wireless at the common rooms. 4th floor's so much better than my own 5th floor ones because I have the whole room to myself. That means I don't need to wear a headphone when watching stuffs on PPS/Youtube. Although the chairs aren't as comfy as the sofas upstairs, I seriously have no interest in staying in a room that's full of other people (and their voices) or the smell of roasted chicken (a lot of ressies have being using the common kitchen lately). My usual favourite room (the one where we used to practice debate) has been turned into a private board room that requires booking. Boo *thumbs down*
Another thing that has been constantly bothering me is that the Microsoft Office that comes with this ultrabook is super basic, ie having Word and Excel ONLY!! No Powerpoint or any other thing that originally comes with it. Plus!! The Word doesn't have footnote or even the referencing section, which is damn annoying. I had to bring the whole document to do the finishing touch at the library. Ah, that reminds me of my last HUGE assignment due on 30th. 35% and I haven't start researching. I should probably stay in Chifley library till 5pm tomorrow to start something. I hate the fact that I can't find Westpac investing in Malaysia. Shall find about Singapore tomorrow. Or I might end up doing New Zealand. I really don't feel like changing to check on RioTinto or whatsoever mining companies. And yes, I'm sorry, those are the only companies I know, thanks to previous assignments.

Other than that, I am quite satisfied with this new lappy. Light (practically weightless) is really the main point. You really gotta know how touched I am to be able to hug it and bring it around when it's lighter than any of my textbook. Plus, the battery life's really good (at least compared to my old one that dies after 1 hour or so) and there's an internal built-in fan. I'll blog more about it (real detailed one with pictures) when I can get online in my room or perhaps after my 2 finals and Sydney trip in February, that'll be after Chap Goh Mei ;P

Gotta hop off soon to go back to my room to (1) prepare dinner (2) shower (3) charge laptop (4) probably laundry? I'm thinking of putting it off till weekends. Shall get out all my skirts in place of my jeans (2 of them were worn out -- will tell you why soon, although it's considered to be shameful by most girls. Trust me when I say I'm not one) and tracksuits (I practically wore almost all of mine. You just can't wear 1 for 2 continuous days because it's DAMN HOT in Canberra.

And oh (5) study XDD You, my readers, should be aware that I'm totally not the hardworking kind, and had survived through these years with some level of smartness (<<muka tembok). Not to say I'm brilliant and genius, it's just that I remember certain things well (no, not those boring Sejarah, but hey! wait a second, I think I do remember quite much of those, because I think they are interesting. Call me a weirdo) As mentioned in previous posts, I am supposed to study 50 hours per week, but I think I hadn't even reach the 10-hour point *kneels down on abacus* Really need to catch-up. Believe it or not, when you are enjoying the nice holidays (summer/ CNY) at home, I'm halfway through my summer courses. That's studying 3 months' worth of stuffs in 2 weeks. I'm so so dead.

Goodbye my readers. I think I might blog from the library tomorrow, if I get up early enough to prepare my own lunch (wraps, whatelse? I don't have a boyfriend that makes love-filled lunch for me *sobs*)

Monday, January 9, 2012




Sunday, January 8, 2012


本人是真的很想说很多照很多啦,但是真的没有时间。第一个星期比较轻松仅仅因为我break在家的时候已经读了那些+tute questions都回答了。可惜啊可惜(世界上果然没有卖后悔这种药,也没有早知道的水),只读了区区3课,所以这个星期开始都会很忙很忙了……

怎么可以assignment details还没有发放,due date就先订了呢?
怎么可以还没有教什么,就有case presentation呢?





난 괜찮아

Friday, January 6, 2012




如果你要high,这个很赞。个人超爱。韩国国民摇滚乐队不是叫假的!Rock and Roll, Baby!!

老娘也知道这个主唱很嚣张地登场,英文也不太好,但是他算是第二个让我喜欢并接受摇滚的人(如果五月天也算摇滚乐队的话。如果MayDay不算,我还有动力火车在list上 =P)


可惜,万能的字幕组没有出现在这里,只好我自己来 同场加映。
幸好我们有 万能的网友 XD
When I was young, the back of my father was like the biggest mountain in the world.
Now, my father's image in front of me has become a somewhat of a small hill.
Please, don't say "I love you" in the past tense.

I couldn't approach a single step - I hope you understand
The tears are saying how much I hoped and hoped

The picture of your lonely back going further away
Makes my heart ache once again

We loved each other, we hated each other
But you held me precious more than anyone and I miss you
You were so close but so unapproachable
Yes, I hated you

Please listen to my story
I need time

We loved each other, we hated each other
But you held me precious more than anyone and I miss you
I only held you deep within my heart
Yes, I loved you

Even after a long time passed, I couldn't tell you
Yes, I loved you

【She was born to a Korean mother and an African American father, who served in the US military in South Korea, and was brought up by her mother alone, with the assistance of Pearl S. Buck International's child sponsorship program. 维基百科

【At 20 years old, Kim In-soon had a beautiful voice, but she eked out a living singing at pubs. Then one night, a producer heard her perform, and her life in show business began. She debuted as a member of the female trio the Hee Sisters, and became part of Korea’s first archetypical “girl group.” In spangle-studded dresses and form-fitting spandex, the trio stole the hearts of many male fans, but Kim was forced to put on an extra piece of clothing every time she appeared with the group: a hat or handkerchief to hide her hair.

Kim, who goes by her stage name Insooni, is the daughter of a Korean mother and an African-American soldier, and her mixed heritage gave her darker skin, a face that stood out and intensely curly hair. Because of her appearance she was often banned from appearing on TV shows, and she was denied the chance to participate in an international singing competition as a representative of Korea. Yet, today, she is still one of the country’s most influential musicians.

Insooni’s mother Yang-bae passed away in 2005. When Kim was born, her mother’s family forced her either to abandon her child or be disowned. Kim Yang-bae chose her daughter.

When it came time to give birth to her own daughter in 1993, Insooni flew to the United States to ensure she would be an American citizen. The singer has publicly said that she did this because she was afraid her child would have the same dark skin that caused her so much pain. While other mothers may count the number of their babies’ fingers or toes right after they are born, Insooni checked her daughter’s skin color. 资料来源


我觉得他好可口哦!怎么办?那段cushion and curtain戳中我笑点了!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


本来想写落落长长的一篇,可是有鉴于time restrictions,周末再写part 2,先点歌给P, CR, D和HD。




本年度第一次因恶梦吓醒。延续了逢开学必做梦的传统(?),这次梦见的竟然被许校长打到哭打到醒的……本人对于这个梦除了很无语以外,还觉得很对不起校长啊……想当年他对我是多么的好啊……没印象被他打过啊……倒是被许老师在五年级时因为同反义词听写小考没有读没有及格一次过打了7板(详细故事可以点这里)。战战兢兢上了第一堂Company Accounting课,果然还是第二个到【骄傲】,白人美女很努力在读课本啊!虽然她的MacBook是放着facebook,但是我看到她很认真地做笔记(字体好小好小,让我想起芷卉竹媚),于是我也假装(吼!也好意思说吼!)地看笔记,让后来进班的人都好吓到,纷纷打开课本猛读,真后悔自己一开始的举动!兴许是仗着自己在假期时读过这一课了,就没什么想读,结果老师问问题的时候都愣住了【跪】老师Peni是某个Pacific Islands的原住民,一开始我还想念起Rika,后来发现其实Ben人真的很不错。开始觉得上他的课比之前的罗马尼亚人好很多,即使他老吓唬我们(其实也是事实啦)BUSN2015是最难的accounting course。呜呜……小的还2门summer course呢!每个星期差不多应该要读书50个小时,想想就要吐了……





送上一首《First Snow and First Kiss》。为什么播放这么肉麻的歌?生活已经这么苦逼了,当然要来一点甜蜜的歌和养眼的小帅哥来达到心理平衡啊!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


原本该7点半醒的,可是一如往常(<<这貌似是该觉得丢脸的事情……?)我还是没有听到闹钟。神奇的是我7点40分的时候自动醒。是真的!我是先醒了才听到闹钟,而不是听到闹钟才醒的!所以,我应该换一首歌了?嗯,我也这样觉得。应该要增加几首歌了……是说,我还没有适应Nokia N9,所以一直都还没有动它……待会儿睡觉前应该要处理一下。现在想想,还是manual那种“嘀嘀嘀 嘀嘀嘀”的闹钟最靠谱了。买来对付考试的日子真的是最好的!握拳喊一下:“最高!”
结果8点45分到班的我竟然是第二个。其实也没有必要讶异,summer school嘛,又是新年的,本预测应该会很少人到,想不到报名的95个人里也来了60来个,算是相当高的出席率了,虽然有个美眉11点才撑着一把远看还误以为是歌德式的雨伞……第一个到班的不出预料的就是咱们鼎鼎有名的女王啦!而且又不出所预料地坐在第一排。后来,我才发现跟她就对了!位置选的真的是班上最好的!!(<<这位太太,你会不会太激动?老是感叹号的)

教授是一位十分,哦不对,是百分百活泼的新加坡加澳洲佬的孕妇。她教International Business真不是一般适合。世界上大概就南美洲和非洲她还没有住过。一开始还让我们这三个坐第一排的学生先上arts and craft课,帮大家折tabletag。后来大家渐渐都来了,她正式上课前还不忘了告诉我们不必担心她随时会生孩子:“Don't worry! I won't pop a baby all of a sudden. Trust me! I'm only 21 weeks!” 协助她的tutor长得真不是一般的帅 XDD 看学号应该是我这届的。羡慕啊……我们的group也很快速地成立了,就是坐同一排的5个同学。我们就是这样有效率XDD 帅哥来自新加坡,可是名草有主了。比较高的中国美眉和女王都是会抢话的人,看来presentation我是不需要担心了;) 然后各组的名称都很可爱,大家最爱的果然是“first summer”,因为很浪漫 =P

原本以为是2个小时的课,结果她说没有tutorial,所以3个小时,大家都吓到了(我们后面的澳洲美眉11点到点就走人了)。幸好11点30分就在大家休息时提醒她后决定放我们走。可惜tutorial enrolment出了点小问题,希望我能得到我想要的班。如果要我用一个词形容今天的课,我应该会用『开心』来形容。一切都让这个34度C的夏天变得美好。

明天的课教授刚刚放上网,一直在犹豫着要不要打印,因为我有旧的版本,还有自己写的笔记。后来想想还是印了好了,第一天总是应该做好准备,后面再看看要不要继续。幸好(也有点不幸)copy card能用了,我就不能以insufficient fund不印出来了……


Monday, January 2, 2012


本来今天想好好整理一下去年的事迹和照片,然后写一下今年的愿望和测体重公告天下(看来这个<<才是我真正不想动手写的原因啊……再怎么看得开的人,要把确切的体重数字说出来,还要先做好心理准备嫁不出去才行啊……),但是……【掩面】我陶醉在综艺节目的魅力里,无法自拔。现在看看时间,似乎应该把节目赶紧看完了再预读明天的lecture slides……

1月3号就开始上课,这是我多久没有碰到的事啊……遥想当年,今晚一定会做恶梦,要么碰上很凶的级任老师,要么碰上继续带的老师,然后没有完成功课被老师打,然后一身冷汗吓醒,正好可以准备去学校了XDD 第一天最怕早上班(是说我下午班也不过读了两年),因为今天的位置就是这一年的位置了,大家不知道喝什么咖啡调什么闹钟,6点个个到学校了。6点半到?那就直接坐第一排准备吃粉笔一年吧!后来教书了,上下午班都教过。6点45分到学校真的有点过分了……想想其他老师都当爸当妈了,依然6点半就开始改作业簿了,怎能不让小的惭愧呢?

BUSI2025是我原本没有想读的课,但是朋友说很容易得分,她也有拿,我看了course outline,正好可再一起做group assignment(这个姐姐真的是我assignment partner前3名啊!),有点心动了……后来出成绩了,我也没啥选择,只好summer school修两门。看来,我跟这个老师是天生注定的缘分【笑】大略扫过,感觉会是我喜欢的东西。希望明天能顺顺利利地过(好久没有这种激动紧张的感觉了)明天9点就上课了,希望整个假期(也不过29天)都睡到11点的小米虫能早起做好准备。然后希望不需要竞争tutorial enrolment(堪称世纪大战啊!),然后去书店买课本,然后去图书馆打洞,然后回来煮午饭兼晚饭,然后做功课之类的。


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012!!

and... *drums roll*

Welcome to my new blog!!

Oh well, it's not that I hate my old blog (hold on, maybe I do. I'm so tired of being NOT able to change some of its format), it's just that I want a whole new blog to record every single detail possible for this year. It's an important year, and.. probably I just don't want TOO many people (this doesn't include strangers) to know TOO much of my secrets. I know you are laughing now, that I want to blog about my life but not willing to spill too much to people around me, but I guess I'm just a "victim" of modernization =P  I want to tell people how I feel so that I can occasionally get some pats and hugs when I feel down and get some screams and envys when I have good news.

I'm still in the process of setting this up. A lot of gadgets that I used to use has been scrapped off the "free" list, so I have to find new ones, hopefully being able to get all things done by tomorrow. Summer School's starting on the 3rd *gasp* I'm not fully prepared as I would have wished (for your information, I NEVER stick to my plans, hence the fails everywhere) but I guess Earth decides to continue spinning and I'm not special enough to let Time wait for me, so I'll just do whatever best I can.

New changes to be introduced include less labels and more pictures. I'm pretty sure the posts will still be lengthy. I'm not called a chatterbox for nothing XDD

The first self-reveal from me ;)
When I type in English, no matter it's blogging or texting or social networking, I prefer full proper language rather than the so-called "sms language". I reckon I'm just a young body possessing a really old-fashioned mind. The same goes to Bahasa Melayu but I think I'm slightly more lenient for Chinese.

Will put up more "stories" when I'm free tomorrow. Afterall, my aim is to write a daily diary.